Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thats So High School

Once this post is finished I am all up-to-date with the 30 Day Blog Challenge & am very happy!! I am sincerely sorry for being MIA. I missed you all and missed reading everyone else's posts from the challenge. 

Today's challenge happened to have perfect timing because I actually found some letters/notes from high school. My parents recently moved and the old house is not on the market yet so we're (really them, I'm not much help!) still cleaning it and getting it 'fixed up' for the new owners. Anyways, I found a box full of notes from high school. Wow, they are hilarious. Some are cute, some are cheesy and some are just ridiculous. They are mostly from the freshmen and sophomore years which is a different group of friends that I hung out with as opposed to who I still talk to today so its fun to reminisce over old friends and stuff you thought meant the end of the world that really wasn't.

Day 19: A picture and a letter

 Here is a picture of one of my high school boyfriends. This is from Homecoming, circa 2002 so my apologies for how out dated this looks. Yeesh!
This is one of the only pictures of us I could find that's electronic. I didn't have the luxury of Facebook and all my memories being in the cyber world during high school. 

And here's one of the letters I found in the box. If he  knew now that I kept this and am putting this on the net, he'd probably kill me. But, it was a very cute letter talking about Homecoming and where we were going for dinner. What a sweetheart <3

I can't remember that last time I even got a letter. I receive post cards every now and then from friends who are traveling. And the only exciting mail I get now-a-days are Save the Dates for my friends' weddings - which don't count as letters. Thankfully, I found a box full of letters that I can read and laugh at :) Definitely put me in a great mood!

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